More People that Annoy Me at the Super Wal-mart

So in continuation with Tuesday’s blog I have decided to rant more about people who annoy me at the super wal-mart.

First lets start with behavior in the aisle:

  1. The people who take ten minutes to pick something that shouldn’t be that difficult to pick out. There are some things I understand taking a bit to pick out. Fruits, for example, should be examined carefully so I can understand taking a few minutes pick out the apples you want. Oatmeal is not one of those things. I am not talking about instant flavored oatmeal, I mean plain old fashion oatmeal. You have a limited number of choices: name brand or generic, the little container or the big container, and the bashed up box or the non-bashed up box. Those are your choices. I watched a woman literally take six minutes to pick out her oatmeal. I was annoyed.
  2. The irresponsible parent is another group that I want to shake. Hey, dumbass, your kid is rocketing around nearly running into everything and touching everything and throwing shit around. I know it is impossible and probably ill advised to put a chain to your kid to your waist and scream at them whenever the look any other direction then straight ahead. I know that is asking far too much but I don’t think it is too much to make sure your child is in your general vicinity and keep them from touching and destroying everything.
  3. People who block up entire aisle to have a conversation. One person will be going one way and the other will be coming from the opposite direction and they will decide to stop in a main aisle to have a conversation about their grandkids and their spouses gastrointestinal problems. Seriously. If you feel the need to talk to your friend in wal-mart, I am not opposed to this, please place your carts in a way that keeps atleast one side of the aisle open or join the cellphone talkers in the lawn and garden department. OR, if you really want to talk to your friend, take them to lunch at whatever fast food establishment. I know, crazy talk.
  4. The other people who are just oblivious in general. I get that wal-mart shopping isn’t entertaining and we all wander off in our minds a bit but I try to stay in reality enough to notice the people around me. Some people out there float around like they are they either high or turning into zombies. This is a safety hazard because they often combine with the kids of irresponsible parents and badness happens.

Okay now for the check out behavior that drives me nuts:

  1. The people who are too busy talking/arguing with each other to unload their basket and pay for their crap like normal people. Please, you are almost out of the store, please stop and focus. I can multitask well enough to have a conversation and take care of the stuff I need to get the frel out of there. If you can’t please, stop and focus.
  2. The person that pays with all change. I have been really broke. I have paid for stuff with quarters and I understand that. It is the folks who are obviously well off who use fifty pennies instead of two quarters. I understand pennies are heavy but please go exchange them for normal less annoying coins.
  3. The frugal to insanity people makes me want to shake them. Times are tough and the super wal-mart does not need anymore of our money than necessary but arguing over a two cent price difference is INSANE.  I had a woman hold up a line for like seven minutes over a five cent over price. I think the customer service manager should have just allowed the price over ride but I still wish that woman would have sucked it up and paid the five extra cents.

Ranting done. House to clean.



    • Tina on February 10, 2011 at 5:46 pm
    • Reply

    i wonder how many kids or innocent conversing bystanders you almost ran over in your zombie like state as you were staring at the oatmeal woman for 6 minutes.


    i still think wal-mart should have coupon lanes. i HATE it when people don’t keep the belt loaded. but i’m totally guilty of having a conversation mid-lane. not a lengthy one, usually just asking someone if they know where the toilet paper aisle was moved. again.

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