November 2011 archive

I Really Did That To Myself

I am still at Tina’s house because I am in quarantine. My stomach is very angry with me.  Tina and her kids are both fine but her mom seems to have something like this too. I can only think it is one of several things:  a virus that doesn’t affect the strong or children under …

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With My Birthday Came Earthquakes

This cake was on the table this morning. How could my day not be great? I am trying to think of things to write that aren’t kind of sappy and Pollyanna, but the truth is, I am happy. I am very, truly, happy. I am filled with hope and optimism. I feel so blessed that …

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The Zombie Apocalypse

CDC Zombie awareness

So apparently one is coming. I don’t often spend a lot of time thinking about when/if the world as we know it explodes. I know all the cool kids have plans and shit, but I don’t get the same bit of joy in pondering these things like other people do. Tina got Netflix, though, and …

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Holy Hell November

So, I know I skipped Saturday. Friday I went to haunt the zoo with Tina, her kids, her brother, his son, and her dad. The kids were an adorable Team Umizoomi, and I went as an ex-library assistant. I spent the whole night with Caius in his sling slung across my chest. It was crazy, …

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