Tag: Wal-mart

Lessons in Awesome

As anyone who has read more than a few of my blogs knows, I have a slightly different take on the world. If you don’t know what I am talking about go read my post on kids shows. I forget this on occasion until days like yesterday remind me. I am playing a new game …

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Yeah (NSFW)

I completely lack inspiration today. I have not a tiny idea on what to write at least 500 words. I feel no desire to try to bullshit through one dazzling you with my wit and awesomeness. I feel honor bound to write a blog tonight since last Saturday I was too sick and gross to …

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Wal-mart Invades the Interwebz

So it is no big secret that Wal-Mart wants to take over the world. It reminds me of the corporation in Wall-E, Buy-N-Large, with its logo on everything. (The rampant consumerism in that movie also reminds me of wal-mart.) Side note: I am about to throw some information at you about Wal-Mart from it’s Wikipedia …

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