Well Read or Pretentious Ass?

My freshman year of college I took a basic psychology class and the professor asked us how we would define insane. When she asked us if straying far from the norm made us insane the class foolishly agreed. She then told us that less than ten percent of adults have more than ten books (not related to work or school) in their houses, so, by that definition, the entire class was insane.  I have no clue if this statistic is true but I am still shocked by the possibility.

I read everyday of my life. I can comfortably say I own over a hundred books (even if I can’t find them all) and have read many of them twice. I probably have 20 of Tina’s books and I have read them all twice.  The idea of never reading books is something I simply cannot fathom. Now the question of the quality of books I read is a different issue.

Yes, I am a pretentious ass when it comes to certain books. I do not give romance novels the respect they deserve. I have all kinds of derogatory names for them like pulse and throbs, bodice rippers, trash. There are levels of trashy too. Some books have an attempt at plot or character development while others follow the paperback romance formula down to the minutia.

Then I look at my book choices.

I mostly read fantasy or sci-fi. It is not the purely mind numbing Lifetime Movie Network stuff but it is hardly great literature. So, my gentle readers, I probably should resolve to read one “good” book a month. Once a month I should hunt down a classic example of literature and read it to become a better more well-rounded person. I should, and I have thought about it, but I know I won’t do it.

First of all, how should I pick this mind expanding book? Do I go back and read all of the classic authors? The problem is that I have read quite a few of them and I really don’t like them. I have enjoyed two Jane Austin novels: Sense and Sensibility with Sea Monsters, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I tried reading Oliver Twist and I hated every freaking word of it. I have an overwhelming dislike for most of the writings of the British Romantic era. I have wrote an essay over the reasons for and the depth of  my hatred for these poets and turned it in as a paper over Don Juan. I actually enjoyed Don Juan but mostly because it is making fun of the other British Romantic writers.

Do I start with the gods of pretentious writing and read Ayn Rand or James Joyce? I have no desire to ever read anything Rand ever wrote. I know I should purely for intellectual curiosity and that strange arrogant camaraderie  that Rand readers seem to have with one another.  They remind me of snotty survivors of some horrid illness, like since they have read Rand they have lived through something that makes them stronger than us mere mortals.  I expect them to come out with a ribbon at any moment.

I have read two of Jame Joyce’s short stories and I have mixed feelings. I know the man is brilliant.  Scholars and people far more knowledgeable than me tell me so. I actually really enjoyed The Dead but I am just not smart enough to enjoy the full complexity of Araby and I am pretty okay with that.

So no I am not going to intentionally set out to torture myself with books just for snobby bragging rights. I will resolve, though, to pick up more books that are from authors I have not read and are about more than wizards or spaceships.


Which Road is Paved with Good Intentions?

So I think it is appropriate to have one of my earliest resolution blogs be about one of the most popular resolutions: weight loss. There are many incarnations of this one; get more exercise, eat better, eat or drink less of this and more of that, join a gym, or start taking that legal crack from the diet pill aisle.

I am no stranger to these kind of resolutions. I have made them in some form most of my adult life. One year I kept it by going to the gym 3-4 days a week for almost 7 months and I found that I liked it. I actually kind of miss it. I felt so much better when I exercised so much. Exercise releases all kinds of good chemicals in the brain and that is why so many of those crazy skinny people look happy when they are running in frigid cold.

Here is the thing: I don’t run. I mean I know its fairly obvious that I don’t run but maybe not for the reason most people would think. I’m a klutz. I am one of the most accident prone people I know. I have a cut on the back of my arm that I have no idea how I got and I have cut myself doing dishes at Tina’s house four times and I run into one of her cabinet doors every time I am there. I gave myself a concussion getting out of bed one time. I will never get on a skateboard or snow ski. I will never parachute or mountain climb. I just do not feel the need to tempt fate like that. I don’t run but I will walk. Inside. Away from the elements and cars. I just feel like it is the safest decision for me.

In theory I can get behind eating more healthfully. I actually really enjoy vegetables. I am one of the few people I know who will microwave a bag of brussel sprouts for lunch. Edamame is one of my favorite snacks. I am not particularly fond of ice cream or cake or cookies. There isn’t much in the way of candy I will eat all the time. I would think it wouldn’t be too bad for me to eat healthfully right? Here is the rub: I love cheese and soda, well, not like together or anything. I love starches. Bread is yummy.  Ranch dressing goes really well with my raw veggies. Cheese and crushed up crackers are divine on salads. Oh did I mention I freaking LOVE soda. I thought I was doing something good by drinking diet soda and I started reading that diet soda is better than regular soda but not a miracle. Apparently all we are supposed to drink is water and unsweetened, unflavored green tea. I can’t do that. I like water but sometimes I need me some flavor and sometimes I need me a sugar loaded, calorie packed soda. DON’T JUDGE ME. I have made one great decision about my body and body image that I still work for every day.

In December 2009 I started dating a fantastic man who loves me and thinks I am beautiful. I thought he was insane. I was very busy looking at what was wrong about me to enjoy having a man who thought I was beautiful. I made a decision early last year to make peace with my body and enjoy what is good about my body and trying to learn to love myself.  I have been trying to get there with my body for years. I get sick of hating myself or thinking I am ugly. This is my body and the only one I will ever have. I will never get healthy hating it. I will never be happy hating it. So every day I make an effort to think of myself as beautiful. I try to ignore all the bad mojo in my head telling me to hate myself. I decided to see myself the way my best friend and my boyfriend see me and accept that I am beautiful and strange and many other things. I am fat. Its not all that I am, and if it is all someone can see about me, then they need to grow up.

I think this year if I make a health/weight related resolution it will be to try to exercise 3 times a week and replace one bad snack with a fruit or veggie a day or learn portion control. I am not going to say I need to lose a certain number of pounds or that I need to get down to a certain size because I have to be okay in this body no matter if I lose the weight or not but I do want to do more to make this body more healthy so I can enjoy the great things in my life for longer.

I still freaking love soda and cheese.


Don’t Be That Guy

Last night my guild had it’s first 25 man raid. We raided Bastion of Twilight and got the first two bosses down. It was crazy fun and I was fairly pleased with the performance of my “nerfed” class. Trees are not really nerfed we are just having to go back to BC healing. Instead of blanketing the raid in rejuvs and twiddling our thumbs we are back to tank healing and I love it. Tank healing has always been my favorite. I will save a healing discussion for later though, today I want to write about that one douche bag in the raid.

In our guild we try to have one raid leader with the other officers chiming in when needed and the rest of us just shutting the hell up. This prevents chaos and unneeded wipes caused from lack of clear direction. I think this is pretty standard operating procedure. Sometimes people will give a suggestion or two but there is an understanding that any suggestions are better left to tells sent directly to the raid leader or officer. Still a suggestion or two here and there isn’t bad. The problem comes when you have that one person who just will not shut the hell up.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit mouthy and free with my opinions but I also know there is a time for suggestions and a way to give them. This guy, who we will call The Douche Bag, feels the need to talk constantly about what he thinks is the proper way to do everything and tells everyone how to do their jobs. He will talk over all the raid leaders and officers without any regard for the fact they are supposed to be talking and he is not.

Now some people are lucky and they only have to deal with The Douche Bag in vent and raid chat. This is still pretty bad because TDB (The Douche Bag) will drone on for hours if you let him and will tell every single person how to do their job no matter if he knows what he is talking about. TDB also utilizes raid chat to say passive aggressive things indicating that he knows better than anyone else in the raid and that we are only hurting ourselves by not listening to him. That is infuriating enough but imagine if you are the same role as TDB.

It is my misfortune that our guild’s TDB is also a healer and feels like he should tell us all what we need to be doing. TDB has run BoT in ten man therefore he feels he is the expert in healing it. He has also been in the guild longer than most of us in healer chat so he feels like it is his right to boss us around. I do believe that healers need leadership. Healing takes coordination and someone to see problems and fix them. I would welcome a healing coordinator in our guild but not someone globally recognized as the village idiot, and believe me everyone their guilds TDB is the village idiot.

Now I know I have been concentrating on our TDB but honestly most guilds have a TDB. He or she could be a healer, tank, or dps, but they all have the same behaviors and eye roll inducing abilities. Some guilds are lucky enough to not have TDB because they tell him to shut up or never raid again. Most guilds aren’t like that so unfortunately most WoW players are afflicted with TDB. (If you can’t think of one in your guild but you know you are really “helpful” with raid strats then you are probably TDB)

One of the most fascinating things about TDB is that he does not understand that he is driving people nuts. I know this is also universal. No matter how many times officers ask for quiet except for the officers or tanks, TDB will keep talking. No matter how many times the raid leader gets frustrated and tells TDB that they have a handle on it, TDB keeps talking. I think anyone who has the personality to become TDB you have to have an unwavering sense that you are right therefore everyone wants to hear you no matter the evidence to the contrary. I even made a really snarky comment to our TDB and he had no clue I was outright being an asshole to him. It is a fascinating phenomena.

My gentle readers I ask one simple favor of you for the sake of your entire raid: next time you press your press-to-talk button to give helpful hints ask yourself one simple question. Am I being TDB? This one simple step will make raiding a more enjoyable experience for your entire guild. Please, please, please. Think of the children.


The Mighty New Year’s Resolution

Welcome to the time of year when everyone takes a look at their lives and decide that they, on a whole, suck and make many plans to improve themselves. I hate New Year’s resolutions. I am not opposed to looking at my life and trying to fix what is wrong. I think it is healthy and the only way to stave off stagnation. People close to me will tell you that I have massive emo fits that lead to me admitting that I need to be doing more with my life and resolving to change it in one way or another and I do it all with an awesome dramatic flair.

Why do I hate New Year’s resolutions then? I think that there is something about how we make them that set us up to fail. There is something about swearing on a new year that makes it impossible to keep. Either we set stupidly high goals like “I will lose 92 pounds” or “I will cure world hunger” in the zeal and drama of the moment or we set vague goals or dates “I will live healthier” (first, its more healthfully according to Dr. Kelly Logan and if you don’t define how you plan to do this you won’t change anything) or “Sometime this year I will stop killing small furry creatures with my bare hands” (not setting a specific date allows you to procrastinate, so set a date for the end of the slaughter) and we will most likely fail. I also think there is something about the artificial nature of the date that doesn’t help us keep our self promises.  We all think its a great date for a fresh start or a fresh new life plan but we put too much importance on this artificial date when it comes to how we feel about our lives. January might be the start of the calendar year but it is cold and bleak and I am not motivated by cold. Also, it is right after Christmas which wears everyone out and makes us all broke. I always feel more like starting new phases around my birthday or in Spring not in the cold ass random month that I am told I should want a fresh start. Its too damn cold to change my life.

So this month I pay homage to the resolutions that will never be kept.

My first resolution is that I will wake up at a decent time every working morning and have a blog written and posted before noon. Ironically I will probably keep it today but I know it won’t happen five days a week for the rest of the year. I will stay up too late and sleep in or I will get sick or something else will happen in my world will happen and I will desperately type out some crappy blog post at 4 pm because it was that damn crowded at the super wal-mart. I am going to do my best to keep this goal, I really am, but honestly being really well rested helps assuage a lot of self loathing.


Happy New Year Cats and Kittens

So we bid 2010 a fond farewell. Well, I don’t know how fondly I will remember 2010. There were some great things that happened last year but it was not uneventful. There were blizzards, power outages, family members in the hospital, new babies, completion of college, exotic illnesses, and finding the beginning of my path  to having a writing career. Yeah, all in all, a pretty decent year.

So down to business my gentle readers, with the new month comes a new theme and my sister gave me an idea for a slightly cheesy but fun one. January is all about New Years resolutions that will never be kept.  I know that it is kind of mainstream to focus on resolutions this time of year and that if I wanted to be edgy and cool I would pick something else and write about this in August. I am neither edgy nor cool, so I am bringing my dorktastic point of view on the same thing everyone is writing about right now. I am going to ask you guys to give me reader participation this month. Tell me your resolutions you make every year and never keep. Think of it as a class project.

Well I know my general blog posts are 500+ but today is New Years and I have other stuff to do like sleep and watch the NCIS marathon so I am using this holiday as an excuse to cut it short. Tuesday I shall return with a 500+ word blog about shit I always say I will do but always eventually end up failing.  Until then enjoy your hangovers or cranky children, whatever your case may be!


Good Times, December, Good Times

Welcome to the last post of the second month of my thematic experiment.  December was kind of a crazy month, like it always tends to be, but I enjoyed writing about World of Warcraft. I think some people actually enjoyed reading my WoW posts. I don’t want this site to be a purely  WoW based site so I am going to switch topics on January 1, 2011. The experiment moves on. I did make another decision though.

I am going to write two WoW entries a week. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I am still going to write on my months chosen theme but on Wednesday and Friday starting in January I am also going to write a WoW blog entry.  For ease of navigation I am sorting these posts in a different category called “TreePunch” so when you go to my page and look at the top you will be able to select any of my categories and see just those. If you hate my WoW stuff click the Thematic Experiment button, if you don’t want to read any of my stupid shit about my version of the real world, click on TreePunch. Simple as that.

Thank You guys again for reading my stuff and all of your encouragement. I hope January can be even better.


Sheeps up!

So I know I missed Saturday’s blog. I figured since it was Christmas Day and I would have pretty good excuse. I was busy. Holidays are crazy for grown up (well grown upish) women. I was cooking and cleaning and putting on earrings. Oh yeah I had a broken kitchen faucet for all of this too.  I had a fabulous Christmas Eve and Day and it was totally worth it. Thank you Welch and Walker families for having me and making it great. Anyway, time for business.

So I have a plethora of level 80 characters because Wrath of the Lich King was the alt expansion pack. (Alts are characters that you play that are not the character you focus most of your attention on or raid with. That toon, character, is called a main.) Everyone leveled seventy billion alts to max level with varying degrees of skill. I had planned to level my hunter or shadow priest to 85 first after my druid until I started running heroics and realized what mages are like at 85.  Yesterday my mage hit 85 and it is flipping cool.

A bit of back ground is in order here. I started this game playing my mage. I played all of original WoW and half of Burning Crusade with her as my main.  Mages are a damage class that also has some pretty good crowd control and they make free food and water for their groups. I was really good at crowd control and being a vending machine and sheeper but I was pretty bad at damage. In Wrath of the Lich King crowd control became irrelevant almost immediately and soon so did being a vending machine and I lost the two things I was good at with my mage. Hodareynn, my mage, went into a box and I only played her when I needed something mined, cooked, or fished up.

I started running instances in Cataclysm on my druid and I grouped with some good mages and some bad mages. The good mages made me realize how awesome I could be on Hod again.  Our crowd control, referred to as sheep even though very few mages’ polymorph spell take the form of sheep anymore, is useful again. I love sheeping. I don’t know why. We got some cool new spells like frost ring which turns all enemies that enter it into blocks of ice and flame orb.  Hod is out of the box.

I ran my first instances on her last night. The first one went really well. I had a great group with a tank that used my sheep and knew what they were doing. I loved it. I was a sheep machine. I would turn an enemy into a monkey and it would stay that way until the tank popped it. Beautiful. I did pretty good damage too. Then I ran a second instance.

Sometimes you run instances that are so bad that you just have to write about them. I was lucky in one respect, they were so bad that I knew beyond a doubt that our fail was not just because I was playing my mage poorly. We had a new tree druid healer and he hadn’t quite figured out the new healing so he was struggling big time.  Our tank would mark crowd control targets but he would mark the wrong things. In instances you want to crowd control the enemies that shoot magic from a distance. This tank was marking crowd control on the enemies that would run to the tank and hit them. To top it off, we had a damage paladin who would run in front of the group and pull groups then hit the crowd controlled targets repeatedly so we couldn’t cc them again.  I spent the entire run trying to save the healer. My damage sucked and my sheeps never stayed sheeped. Atleast I was a good vending machine.


My Favorite New Things in Cataclysm


That’s right pygmies.

Blizzard is freaking brilliant. The soft, pasty skinned, badly socialized, dorky players of the World of Warcraft felt like they waited for ages for the release of Cataclysm and I, for one, feel that it was worth it.  The first two expansions were super cool; new races or a new classes, new lands, lore, newish mobs. This was all super cool but the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King have nothing on Cataclysm.  It is fairly evident that Blizz worked really hard to make sure that they really changed up the game. I have said this all before so I won’t repeat myself, much,  but I do want to highlight a few of my favorite new things.

Peacebloom versus Ghouls technically came out with patch 4.0 but I think it counts.  PvG is a mini game in the Arathi Highlands that asks a player to fight off undead using flowers. It is a direct take off of  the Pop Cap game Plants vs. Zombies and it is awesome.  The player has to plant  various plants with different abilities on their lawn to ward off the undead trying to break into their house wanting to eat their brains. Nothing more awesome than saving the world with gardening! My only complaint is that you can only  play the game once. If you need another fix you have to go get the Pop Cap game on the interwebz. I guess that is only fair.

In the new zone in Uldum the Blizzard developers let their creativity go crazy with two things: Harrison Jones quest lines and pygmies. Harrison Jones is an Indiana Jones spoof character. He is an archeologist that leads the player through the various temples in the zone. He gets players blown up, shot at, attacked by zombies,  nearly crushed by falling debris. In other words, HE IS AWESOME.

Pygmies are new mobs in Uldum. They are small humanoids with huge heads and hands that make have a great battle cry when they attack you. Make no mistake, I got my ass handed to me a few times by some pygmies, but I died laughing. They are also part of the best daily quest ever: Thievin’ Little Pluckers. A farm owner asks the  the player to take a mallet and beat down the pygmies that are stealing from his trees.  There are groups of three pygmies standing on each others’ shoulders trying to steal from the trees and you have to smack them with the huge mallet. Whack-a-Mole with the crazy pygmy battle cry, what is not to love?

Also new with Cataclysm is a new string of dirty hippie quests. The druids have massed in Hyjal and they want to save the world and they want your help. There are many standard quests like killing the evil dragonkin or harpies (I love killing harpies) like Blizz has always put into the game but they add a new level of tree hugger with quests like rescuing panicky bunnies and squirrels from fire or save the hatching turtle eggs from the bad men  waiting to corrupt the newly hatched baby turtles. One quest has you leading mostly dead baby fawns from fiery fields and another has you climbing trees and rescuing scared bear cubs from trees and throwing them onto a trampoline.  They even get players to try and redeem an evil satyr. Okay. Okay. The quests where kinda cute and quite funny considering that I enjoy making fun of the touchy-feely nature of the druids. (I know I play one, but I am not the hippie druid, I am the cynical rebel druid gorram it.) So, yeah, pretty genius on blizzards part.

Now I am off to do real life stuff. In case you guys didn’t know, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I leave you with this thought: OOOOOGGGGGGAA BOOOGA (pygmy battle cry)


The Joys of Heroics

So most of the new serious players have at least one character to 85 and have begun the process of gearing those characters.  Hooray for heroics!

In WoW there are these things called dungeons or instances which are zones that five player enter into to work together and kill everything and steal the stuff from the dead bodies. The stuff is called loot and not all loot is created equal.  Different kinds of characters want different things with different bonuses or made of different materials. All instances have a loot table, a list of gear they can drop, so in order to get what you want you often have to go back to the same place multiple times.

There is also two different versions of each dungeon: regular and heroic. The heroic version of a dungeon is the same basic dungeon made more difficult. Heroics offer better loot and other perks over the normal versions so people generally want to start wanting to run heroics as soon as possible.  Sometimes people just should not be running heroics just because they can.

All of Warcraft has certain basic mechanics (aspects of the game) that stay the same throughout the game.

Crowd Control: Most classes have some form of crowd control, or cc, which makes a mob unable to attack the group.  Every mob that can be cc’ed means one less mob to be hitting the group trying to kill them. It would make sense that a group would try to cc everything they can. Its a great theory but sometimes the practice is a  little different. Some people have no clue what abilities they have and what they can cc. For example: I had to tell one player that he could in fact turn beasts into sheep and render them harmless for a short period. This particular mechanic has been in place for at least five years.

Now when the group is ready to fight a mob that has been cc’ed  the tank or someone else who is designated to break the crowd control damages the mob and makes them active and angry again. Great theory, not so much a reality all the time. Some people are completely incapable of not hitting targets they are not supposed to hit or they think if they hit it the tank or healer will save them. I am almost to the point where I let these people die. You break it on purpose you tank it….. without heals douche bag.

Don’t Stand in Shit: This is another major mechanic of the Warcrack. If a monster throws something on the ground it generally not there to help you.  Standing in poison, fire, falling rocks, or whatever tends to mean you die. This is a pretty universal mechanic throughout the game.  I am guilty of this one sometimes, as are about 99% of WoW players, but the difference is that I move as soon as I realize I am standing in stuff.  I have had people stand in stuff and take tremendous damage then get mad that I didn’t heal them through it. If you continue to stand in fire, you die.  A good example of this is a tank we had in one instance decided it would be okay to stand in the huge inky black clouds of death and that I should just heal them through it. I let them die then we removed the tank.

If A Mob Casts Something You Can Interrupt, Then Interrupt It: Mobs often have abilities they cast (take time preparing to hit you with) and many times these abilities can be interrupted. These abilities can cause damage, make the group run around in fear, heal the mob and make it harder to kill, or any number of things. Almost all classes have interrupts and should use them to stop this stuff from happening.  Many times it is vital to success that these things get interrupted. Know what you can interrupt, when you should interrupt, and do it.

Your Survival is also Your Responsibility: I’m a healer, my job is to try my best to keep the group alive. This does not mean that I should be expected to heal someone through stupid. This goes hand in hand with Don’t Stand in Shit. First of all, every class has survival abilities that either heal them or reduces the damage they take. Every player should know theirs and use them.  If you are dps in a boss fight and the tank is taking huge damage realize your healer is busy and you should probably take a healing potion, bandage, or do anything you can to restore your own health or otherwise keep yourself alive.  Simple as that. Also, after a fight, if you are low on health and the group is waiting for the healer to get mana eat some freaking food to restore your health. A good example of this is one group of mobs throw axes and stick them into random players heads that damages that player for a large amount over a set amount of time.  When this happens and we are in combat it is my job to heal the player through it. If the group goes out of combat it is no longer my job. THERE  IS A FREAKING AXE IN YOUR HEAD, EAT SOMETHING DUMB ASS.

If you are low on health do not go running into groups of mobs. It seems like a simple concept but, like crowd control or not standing in something, some people cannot seem to grasp it. I was in a group where someone died because they played stupid and did not eat after I brought them back to life. When the tank pulled the next group this player ran right in while at half health and died again. This happened two more times before the player finally typed “why do I keep dying.” I wanted to type “Sorry but I don’t heal stupid.”

Please do your fellow WoW players a favor and research your class. Know what you can do and what you should do. If you don’t, pray you don’t get a healer like me that believes it is her responsibility to let your stupid ass die.


In Praise of Professions Part II

So if you remember back to my lengthy ramble from Thursday there are still some professions to cover. First the last three crafting professions.

crayonInscription: Inscription uses “inks” made from ground up “flowers” to make items. One of the items they make are called glyphs. Players use glyphs to change their abilities and personalize their characters. Scribes also make something called scrolls which provide players with bonuses or “buffs.” Scribes can make cards that combine to make super cool stuff and other items. Inscription is a pretty cool profession but I try not to think about it too logically. I can’t fathom how one would use a scroll or glyph. Do you scratch it into your skin like some sort of messed up tattoo or is it a words to shape energy type of thing? I mean I get making pants. I guess I shouldn’t look too hard into the logistics of a world where I can turn into a tree.

dustEnchanting: Enchanters use materials they get from breaking up crap no one wants to bespell items to give them bonuses. It is expensive and a pain in the ass to level but it saves a whack ton of money and everyone will love you in groups when they get the crap that drops turned into materials to enchant the stuff they do want. Like inscription, I try not to put too much thought into how this actually works.  When I start to follow that rabbit down the hole I try to remember I play a character that can turn into a bird and it helps me suspend reality.

potion master

Alchemy: Alchemists turn flowers into magic potions that do stuff. Mostly these potions either heal, restore mana (magic energy), or buff a character.  Alchemists can also turn somethings into other things, which is sort of the definition of alchemists. So alchemists are kind of chemists and drug dealers at the same time. Everyone wants what they brew up.

Gathering professions are the second type of Primary professions and entails going out into the world (of warcraft) and gathering the crap you need for the crafting professions. I love gathering professions.

skinsSkinning: This should be pretty self explanatory. Skinners cut the skin off of dead animals so crafters (namely leatherworkers) can use them to make stuff. It is somewhat gruesome but most skinners I know feel like they are somehow cleaning up their messes. Once you have killed an animal, what is the big deal about taking its skin? Besides it makes the mob disappear therefore destroying all evidence of the murders.

Gold Bar

Mining: Miners fly around and find nodes of metal ore and gather them. They then turn these ores into bars. They also gather other things like gems from these nodes. Half of any realm is a miner so at any giving time there is eleventy billion jackwagons flying around and are willing to ruthlessly screw you out of a mining node. Because of the high population of miners , ore and bars don’t sell for much but it is more convenient to have one if you plan on leveling blacksmiting, engineering, or jewelcrafting.


Herbalism: Herbalists fly around and collect the various herbs of the world. Flower pickers are not quite as cutthroat as the miners but they can get quite nasty. Scribes and Alchemists use the flowers that herbalists pick.
