In for a Penny

In for a pound…. as the saying goes.

I’m going to do the unthinkable. I’m going to post an unflattering full body picture and actually admit my weight in the most public place I can… here.

This is Picture of month one. It is particularly unflattering because it is taken from an up angle and the flash is jacked.

This is Picture of month one. It is particularly unflattering because it is taken from an up angle and the flash is jacked.

This is what I look like at 428 pounds at 6 foot tall.

428 pounds…. Admitting that in public is scary. And shameful. Very shameful. The past few years of my life have been trying to love myself and forgive myself. I’ve been trying to work through my shame. Here is my last big shame; The Number.

I don’t understand my own shame and fear of revealing my exact weight. Everyone around me knows I’m not skinny. It isn’t a huge secret, even for people who only know me online. It just makes me feel very vulnerable to have it out there.

My mom asked me if I was sure it was a good idea. I’m opening myself up to ridicule. Fuck ’em. I’m a big girl. I’m a big girl who signed up for therapy and the YMCA. I’m a big girl who wants to be healthier. I’m a big girl who wants to run a 5k and dance. People are going to ridicule me no matter what. Now, they just have a number to do it with.

I’ve had the ridicule my entire life. I’ve had the shame my entire life. I’m done. I have a friend who has invited me down to her house, but I would never go because she and her husband have made a lot of comments about fat people, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable with them. I’m done with that.

So, once a month I’ll be posting a picture and the number. I don’t know what will happen. What I want to happen is as I get healthier the number has less hold on me, even if it doesn’t go down. I hope some of my shame will dissolve. Maybe, and this happens only in my wildest dreams, someone else reads this, and maybe they start to try to have a better relationship with their number. It’s a sad statement of our society, but I expect ridicule. I expect negativity. I hope I’m strong enough to say “fuck ’em, at least I’m trying.”

I do thank you, my gentle readers, for being amazing and gentle and encouraging. Maybe we can all help each other with some number that has too much of a hold on our psyche.



Sucess Bitches

Tina made this picture awhile ago. This is how I feel today


Today was a good day.

Today was a really good day.

I have been feeling really lost. I’ve felt like I was drowning. Worst of all, I’ve felt like I had no control over my life.

Today, I feel like I took it back. When I lost it and Tina did her amazing Tina ‘kick me in the butt with love’ thing, I started slowly pushing forward. Today things started clicking and moving. I have hope. I feel like I have some motion and action.

Two almost complete strangers stuck their necks out for me for no reason other than I needed their help. I’ve been told I have an unrealistically positive view of the world. My world is full of kindness. I’m surrounded by kind, loving people, and people in general are kind to me. Of course I have a positive view in the world.

I strive to be kind because kindness is the most positive force in my life. I’ve seen the destructive powers of unkindness, but I’ve felt the power of all kindnesses, small and large, on my life. More than my intelligence, humor, or weirdness, I can make the world better through kindness.

Anyway, I’m hoping to join the YMCA here in town. They have a broke ass fat girl rate. It’s going to cost $46 dollars to sign up and $18.60 a month to join. My parents agreed to front it for me.

I feel like with the therapy and the other help I’m getting, I can make these changes and get control over my life again. I don’t want to be skinny. I want to be healthy, mentally and physically. I want my zeal back. Today, I feel like it is possible.

I know it will be a lot of work. I know I’ll mess up. I can do it. For the first time in awhile, I feel like I’m actually moving forward and not just desperately clawing around look for a hold on my life.

There will be good days, and there will be bad days. I’m okay with that as long as I’m going forward. It’s time.


Beer and Blogging

So, I’m late starting my blog because I was watching Benedict Cumberbatch run around in sexy pants, otherwise known as the new Start Trek movie.

bad selfies

I take bad selfies. I’m fascinated by my freckles though.

Now, I’m drinking a strawberry apple ale and editing old pictures I got off my phone. The Viking is due to call me any second.  This post will probably just be a bunch of pictures from my phone.

Beer as holiday gifts

True story I saw this at the Super Wal-Mart a few years ago

On a side note, while the counseling center was doing their interview to decide if they will take me as a client they kept asking me if I had a substance abuse problem. I don’t. After a few more stressors were added to my life, I have decided to start a White Trash Wine Drinking League. My team’s name is The Lascivious Lushes. I already have one teammate. I’m taking apps for more teammates and team members.

dumptruck of DOOM

Saw this on the interstate one day and I found it interesting enough to teach my mom how to take photos with my phone. Those are baby dolls and teddy bears on the back of a dump truck

I haven’t quite figured out the scoring system, other than there are participation points, points for drunken crafting (preferably with your wine box/bottle), super extra bonus points for designated drivers. There will be bonus points for sexiness and yoga pants. Any team caught drunk driving gets banned.

I’m still working it out on the site’s Facebook page. If you haven’t “liked” me, you should. It makes me happy and sometimes random funny shit happens. Also, you will have an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this league. It’s gunna be HUGE.


The Year of being Bat Shit Insane

After two weeks of not blogging, I’m back.

August was another rough month in the middle of a rough year. I was sick. I was actually very sick but I had to pretend I wasn’t because there was just so much I had to do and go through. I got on some horse pill antibiotics and I’m definitely on the mend.

I took a look at myself and my life and realized I’m a little broken right now. By I took a look at myself, I mean Tina pointed it out to me even though she felt like an asshole for doing it. True friends say things to you like that even if it might make them feel like an asshole. I appreciate her for it.

I’ve decided to try and start some therapy. I don’t know how it will go, but I think it could help. I think in the craziness that has been this last year of my life, I’ve lost a lot of perspective and a lot of the things that make me wonderful. I’ve also noticed myself slipping into old, unhealthy behaviors in all of my relationships, and all of them are being affected. Part of that is my loss of making myself a priority in my life, and that I’ve stopped asking for what I need from the people I love.

Spending some time getting that shit straightened out will help. I think it will make me healthier and more capable of dealing.  Just making the decision and starting the process has made me feel more calm and more in control of my life.

On a side note, I finally got a smart phone. I am one of the last people under the age of 50 to have one. I will be able to take more pictures of my world and share them with you guys much easier. It makes me very very happy. I think it should be pretty win.


Corgi is the New Black

A drawing by SIR

Handy Guide

I don’t even know what this means.

The last week was kind of crazy between my town’s pansy ass electricity grid failing anytime the wind sneezes at it or people expecting me up early to do things.

I just can’t do early. I can’t. It is like a morning person being expected to be chipper and productive at 2am, which is my prime time. Thursday morning I had to take my father into work and I had my alarm set for 6 am. I woke up at 4:15am with sinus issues, but I was able to lay back down by 4:30am. I was stoked about getting another hour and a half sleep. I didn’t get sleepy until 5:45.*Shake fist*

I’ve decided to be proud of myself for never having gotten in a fist fight in the Super Wal-Mart or the Sam’s Club. I’ve never been in a fist fight anywhere, but I think if I ever did, it would be in one of those two places. They have some sort of rage inducing effect on me. I’m a pretty calm person, unless I’m driving, but every single trip to one of those establishments I think to myself “Bitch, I will take a swing at you.”

In Sam’s today this family kept being where I was and the kid would dart out in front of me causing me to have to stop quickly. I apparently make a surprised sound or possibly swear profusely under my breath, one of the two, and the mom would shoot me dirty looks. I didn’t hit her or her hell spawn with my cart. I didn’t even tell her if she didn’t want people demonstrating irritation at her nine year-old running crazy, she should have taught him not to run around like a little drunk person.

I know kids don’t have the best situational awareness, but they will never get it unless they are trained for it. Otherwise, they end up being the assholes that stop in the middle of the crosswalk to look at their text message. And, instead of giving strangers the death glare for daring to be irritated when they have to damn near get whiplash in order to keep from plowing into your wayward spawn, you smile and remind your kid to pay attention. One day, said child might meet someone texting while pushing a cart and end up under a cart.

This is why I should never breed.





How You Know It’s Good

I have a friend going through a really rough time trying to pull herself from an abusive relationship. She is telling her own story her own way on her blog. Telling the story is a hard thing to do, and I am so proud of her.

It has me thinking about a lot of things though. I should probably plan this blog and split into two or three, but we all know I don’t do things in the way that makes sense.


I built this in Minecraft for the Viking. It seems appropriate.

First, truths about abusive relationships:

1. The abuse builds slowly and insidiously. Most of us who have been in abusive relationships would have bailed if the guy started the serious abuse from the beginning. Had the one I was with called me a stupid whore in the beginning, I would have dumped his ass.

2. It starts small, and it seems forgivable. Every single person you are in a relationship with will hurt you. Everyone messes up.

3. You learn to make excuses for the stuff as it grows more inexcusable. They don’t even need to try and explain anymore. You just forgive them. It becomes like breathing, and eventually you lose your ability to see reality.

4. Most abusers have wonderful things about them, or we wouldn’t have fallen for them in the first place. Even worse, most of us can see where the behavior comes from, like the abuser being abused themselves, and we want to help them. Abusers are not monsters, but what they do is monstrous.

5. By the time the shit builds to the tipping point, the abused person has been so flipped around they don’t know which side is up. I literally thought no one else would ever love me. I thought I was so deeply flawed, I was undeserving of love. I thought if I were better somehow, things would be different. From the outside, it’s easy to see how much bullshit that was. On the inside, though, things are different and skewed. Remember that before you judge someone trying to pull themselves out of abuse. They are trying to reorient themselves to a different reality. It frelling sucks.

6. We don’t get abused because we are weak. We get abused because we are strong, and our strengths and vibrancy make us a threat. It scares abusers. They try to dampen it.

Second, being alone sucks, but you do realize later it is better than that bullshiv. I am the queen of single. I know I am in a great relationship now, but most of my life I have been single or with men who needed a lot of help I couldn’t give. People try to romanticize being single, and maybe for some personality types being single is frelling awesome, but for someone like me, it sucks. It took being single after being abused, though, to learn about me. I had to go through that bullshit and come out of it and do a whole lot of growth to become someone I love. SO, yes, it sucks, but it is vital.

Third, once you go through the bullshiv and finally do find someone, it is good. The Viking and I aren’t perfect. We’ve been together for 16 months, and by Oklahoma standards, we should be married, and I should be brewing our first kid. We don’t get to see each other a whole lot because of life. I have to say, even with that, it is wonderful. I could never have imagined this sort of love.

It would be easy for me to say it is all because the Viking is so wonderful, but that is only partly true. Don’t get me wrong, the man is amazing. Sometimes my breath stops in my chest when I think of how incredible he is and how perfect we are for each other. But, no matter how amazing he is, we wouldn’t work if I weren’t so incredible, too. I still forget that. He reminds me.

I had to find out what was incredible about me to love him properly. I had to learn how I want to love and be loved before I could begin to be with another person. I had to learn to push all that crap aside and accept myself before I allowed anyone else to try. I found this article about breaking the dating rules, and I realized I did the same thing. I decided before the Viking and I got serious to love him on my own terms and be every bit my flawed, wonderful self in front of him. If he couldn’t handle it, it didn’t make him bad, it just meant we shouldn’t be together.

At every single turn, the man accepted me exactly as I am. After a lifetime of not being good enough, I found someone who not only finds me wonderful but even makes my flaws into strengths. He helps me find my vibrancy when I lose it instead of trying to quell it all together. I am more me, not less. That is how you know it is good.

I had to find me, build me, and love me before I found him. He doesn’t make me loveable or strong. I do that. We are equals. He is just as lucky to have me as I am to have him. I forget that sometimes. He reminds. That is how you know it is good.

Life is messed up, and sometimes it really sucks, but sometimes it is really good. All you can do is push through, learn to love, respect, and accept yourself and demand the same of others. You make it good. That’s how you know.


I’mma Learn to Use a Torch

Or: Dragons and Zombies and Shit

I feel the creativity come back.  When I’m depressed it goes away and leaves a dramatic void. I never quite understood what that void was until this time. I knew I couldn’t write but for some reason it never dawned on me it was because my creativity was gone.

I felt it started come back Monday, but I didn’t realize what it was. I thought I was just joking around with Tina making wild plans and making up a story about how I know the Viking and I are going to end up on The Learning Channel right after Honey Boo Boo because he and I are both crazy people. I actually think that was probably one of the best text conversations in the history of ever.

When I said something about what I was getting myself into, she replied adventure.

Actually, in my mind it was more like “Adventure!” and we throw our arms up in the air when we say it.

Fuck yeah! Adventure!

Turns out my creativity is very play and goofball oriented.

I start telling myself little stories about things and it grows from there.

It is wonderful.

I see a future for myself as a MS Paint artist.

I see a future for myself as a MS Paint artist. Also, I totally meant all those typos.




Take a Nap, Woman

So, apparently, from the reactions of people who love me and care about me, I seem very not okay.

Truth is, I had a rough week. I’ve had to be up early almost every morning this week and then to bed early. Things are more stressful than normal in the house and insane hormones and lack of sleep have made me less capable of handling it. Also, I’ve done virtually no writing because I can’t be awake at night.

Required monthly corgi. OH MY GAWD! IT'S SO FLUFFY

Required monthly corgi. OH MY GAWD! IT’S SO FLUFFY

I just sent a Facebook message to a woman who showed me a level of kindness years ago that changed my life forever. I’ve wanted to finish writing something worthy of dedicating to her and her late husband. Anyway, in writing the message, I realized just how blessed I am.

In the middle of some things that dialed my family’s stress to eleven, my hormones flipped all the way out. I had every sign of early pregnancy except morning sickness, but all of those symptoms were normal for me when I’ve been off birth control for awhile and my body is trying to right itself. I peed on some sticks and they came up negative, but I still was scared, so I went and got a blood test done. No baby.

I had two or three days when the idea I might be having a baby was a real possibility. Those days were a emotional hurricane. I was scared. I was SCARED. Part of me was happy, though, and that surprised me. I would touch my stomach and wonder. I ran through plan after plan and figured out that my baby and I would be okay no matter what. I realized that if it came down to it, I would have loved that baby. The level of love I already felt shocked me, and it wasn’t even real.

I felt so guilty because it would be a terrible time to be pregnant. I knew deep in my heart the Viking would step up, but it is a really bad time for both of us. We simply have so much more we want to do before having a child. I wasn’t even sure I wanted a child. Now, I can go back to that ‘I should never breed’ bluster, but the truth is, I know beyond a doubt I want a child… Some day. It turns out everyone already knew this about me.

My parents were very stressed out already from things going on which will all be fine but are just stressful now in the moment, and they couldn’t be there for me. When I was with them, I felt terribly alone and like a bad person.

I had Tina and Renee and her mother and niece, though, so I wasn’t alone. As a society we like to joke about how catty and back stabbing women are, but the truth is, when one of our own is scared and hurt, we collapse together to make a cushion for one another. We hug each other. We understand one another. We understand the fear when we might be pregnant at a terrible time, and we also understand the desire to weep when we realize we aren’t.

I cried when the doctor told me my blood test came back negative. I’m crying now; not because I’m so desperate to have a child, because I’m honestly not, but there was a mourning of a loss of an idea or possibility of something that wonderful… and scary.

I had my safety net, my community, when I needed them. I don’t think I had ever felt that as profoundly as I did this week. The feeling of awe of the power of women wanting to take care of one of their own when they need it is stunning. I still don’t fully have words for it, other than thank you.

Now, I’m back to being VERY okay with being able to sleep late, not having to wipe noses or other body parts, and having some autonomy over my life. For now, anyway.

My life is an embarrassment of riches. It has its ups and downs, like everyone else’s life, but I am loved and cared for. I have people who reach out for me when they think I might not be okay. One of my friends texted me yesterday to make sure I was okay even though she had no idea any of this was going on. I love and I am loved, and because of that, everything else will be okay.


Especially, when I stop having to try to function in daylight.


NSFW Again

Today’s poem comes to you in the form of a free form poem that, like ALL of my blogs, I won’t revise, edit, or in anyway make seem professional.



If this week were a person

I would bow with a flourish

and tell it most emphatically

to go fuck itself


I would not care where,

or when,

or with whom,

just so long as this week

got the grand slamming

it so richly deserves.


It started out with much promise

then speedily spiraled to bullshit.

Days of uncertainty,

towering, twisting stress

bullshit and bullshit and bullshit


So, this week, I doff my hat to you

then I tell you to go fuck yourself.


Okay, so most this week has been the suck, and not in a happy-fun-times sort of way either. Truth is though, I did get to see Tina and Renee, and they showed me that no matter what happens I have people who are there for me. I have a feeling everything will work out okay. And, part of my attitude might be because I keep having to wake up early in the morning which doesn’t help my stress. Sunlight increases my stress levels by at least 47%.  Mostly, it was fun writing a stupid poem. Even more mostly, I’ll be glad when this fucking week is over.







The Weird and Wonderful

Things have been looking up. I’m still not anywhere near a normal human schedule. I think I never will be.

Saturday, I went to my goddaughter’s first birthday party. My goddaughter’s mother stabbed herself in the eye with a pair of scissors while opening presents. Now, had she been seriously hurt, it would be tragic. Since she was only very nearly seriously hurt, it is funny. She has an awesome story to tell for the rest of her life, and she has an eye patch for costume parties.

I mean, I get to tell people how I broke my ankle walking from my kitchen to my living room and that I have calcified brain bits. Oh, I was born with an extra bone in each foot and a strange double earlobe thingy. Maybe I shouldn’t breed.

The Viking went to the party with me. He called it being show ponied. I call it him being wonderful. Ladies, if you find a man who is willing to go to a one year-old’s birthday party, you keep him and treat him well.

I’ve decided to try to get back to writing and exercising. That depression was terrible. I think I need to accept that I will be prone to bouts of crippling, all-consuming depression for the rest of my life. I’m getting better at coping with it, though, and that is what matters.

I will leave you with links to some awesome things I’ve found and an awesome thing I’m doing.

On November 2,2013, I’m going to participate in Extra Life. Basically, I set a goal to raise $100 dollars for Children’s Miracle Network, and on November 2nd, I’ll play video games for 24 hours straight. I have no idea what the two have to do with each other. I think it is just another way to get money to a charity that helps kids with cancer. Forcing someone into a sleep deprived gaming coma is just a side effect. I’ll write about it more as it gets closer.

Amy Poehler is a bad ass. If you need proof other than her acting career, look at this site. It is dedicated to teaching girls to be smart, kind, and effective women. I love it. I LOVE IT. If I ever have a daughter, I will make her read this site.

Last, but not least is The Good Men Project. This site is dedicated to promote understanding and equality between the genders. It explores gender roles and men’s issues. It rocks.

In closing, be careful when using scissors to open packages.
